These 10-ingredient gluten-free and vegan burgers are crisped up like a smash burger in the oven. We would never say that you HAVE to put cheese on them,...
This is hands down the easiest way to always have delicious chicken cutlets at the ready to feed your family at a moment's notice-no messy dredging or...
This is the simplest way to make a large batch of meatballs that you can turn into a variety of dinners, from pasta to soup to sandwiches. Stash them in...
This simple braise is a weeknight savior. Make a big batch and stash it in the fridge or freezer to turn into stews, tacos, hashes, sandwiches, soups,...
Freeze smaller portions of this versatile, flavorful shredded chicken and you'll be so glad you did. It's the perfect base to build any meal-tacos, fried...
Large, creamy lima beans (sometimes sold as butter beans) are the perfect solution to any meal dilemma when you make a big batch in the Instant Pot and...
This big pot of polenta makes enough to feed four adults several meals. Start by serving some as a soft creamy side dish when it is freshly made, then...
Next time you fire up the grill, char a bunch of bell peppers, then marinate them and stash in the fridge for meals throughout the week. Layer them into...
This big batch of tender roasted kale can be kept in the fridge and added to meals throughout the week. Toss it into salads and stir-fries, stir it into...
Looking for an easy way to serve eggs to a crowd? Use a blender to quickly whisk the eggs together, then bake on a sheet pan until the texture is custardy-more...
This simple preparation of sweet potatoes can become the base for many lunches and weeknight meals: Cube them and add to a soup or salad, or simply leave...
No one will ever notice that you swapped in mushrooms for a third of the beef in these better-for-you mini burgers. Grated onion and a touch of soy add...
This simple, flavorful tomato sauce is a weeknight savior. Make a big batch and stash it in the freezer. Add to pastas, braises, soups, and stews in the...
This is hands down the easiest way to always have delicious chicken cutlets at the ready to feed your family at a moment's notice-no messy dredging or...